
A year ends, a year begins

Okay, I'm a little late getting this posted, but Life has been very ... active. In a good way. I posted my year in review, and will be adding the rest of my 2012 reviews as they go live. This post is a catch-all post of sorts: talking about challenges, blogging goals, life goals ... a little bit of everything.

Challenges ... I didn't make my 100 books goal on Goodreads, but the 83 that counted towards that challenge is impressive. (If I counted picture books, I'd be closer ... and unfinished should count, somehow. For time wasted, ha). I've set my goal for 100 again this year, considering that I started with 50 last year and bumped it up when I was cruising towards that early on.

... I also did not complete all my reading challenges. Actually, the only one I completed was the Historical Fiction challenge (surprise, surprise). The others? Um. Not so much. I got a little preoccupied with "for review" books and neglected my reading challenges. Ah well, they were fun choices, and I've got plenty of "ammo" for future reading selections now!

What about challenges for this year? I've gone back and forth about this a lot, trying to decide what I want to participate in ... and I've come to this conclusion: 2013 will be a challenge-less year. I know. I'm shocked myself. But ... I have a lot of books I want - need - to read. Both pleasure books, and some catching up on review titles (when I started this blog, I never guessed I'd end up with a backlog of review titles!). Thus, 2013 is a year of reading for the sake of reading. I'm going to read the books that catch my fancy ... I'm going to reread old favorites, and finally dive into the new treasures I've "stockpiled" ... I'm going to be a little more selective of my review titles -- picking the ones that really call to me ... and I'm going to have fun.

Other miscellaneous things of note ... I have high hopes for 2013, from a writing standpoint. I hope to get my "Enchanted Darcy" novel finished this year ((for more information on that, check out Fairy Jane Tales)). I'd love to see more non-review posts appearing here on the blog too, whether they're guest posts or memes or something ... I'm feeling out where I think the blog will evolve, and will keep you posted! I also have a growing stack of books I've labeled "for giveaway" ... so I should have one of those soon.

What else is new ... noteworthy ... oh, I know: along with a new year, I got a new job! I'm now going to be working in a library full-time, and am totally excited about the opportunity. I'll be getting to do a little bit of everything (small public library), and am especially excited about getting to develop the Teen Services programming! So it's possible there may be more YA content on this blog than normal. You might want to expect a lot of Austenesque too. And fairy tales: always fairy tales.

Hmm ... I think that's probably a pretty good little wrap-up of things. Chances are good I've forgotten something, in which case it'll be showing up soon. I do have a pre-release giveaway going on for a copy of Liberty courtesy of Rhemalda Publishing -- check it out, the first giveaway of the year!


  1. Hey Rebecca!

    Congrats on the new job!! That is so exciting! I hope it is going well.

    You are not the only one who didn't finish their 2012 challenges, I failed at both of mine too. :/ But, I'm doing more this year! Well, I've reset my goodreads for the same as last year, 60, I should make that! I was only 2 from finishing! (hopefully life won't get in the way again) I've also signed up for the P&P Bicentenary Challenge. That should be easy since I read mostly P&P spinoffs anyway. :)

    I would like to read more of my own choices this year too - that I don't have to write a review for (Yay! for free reading)

  2. I am so happy to hear you got the library position!! I think that will be a great fit for you. :) And if you have any YA author fests, let me know!!! ;)

  3. Congratulations on the new gig :) I am doing a challenge-less year this year too! There are challenges that are tempting me but I am being strong!
