Robin McKinley
Putnam, 2010
I. Loved. This. Book.
Actually, to say I loved it feels like an understatement - however, true. Let me try and explain, without giving away too much. This is definitely a book you must experience for yourself - if you are ready for it.
The cover caught my attention. The design itself draws me in, the title intrigues. I see the flying horse - the glorious pegasus - above the girl-in-the-amazing-dress, and even without knowing anything about it, know I must read this story. The premise is deceptively simple: in a world where pegasi and humans coexist, a Princess, Sylvi, has her own personal Pegasus, Ebon, (a Prince in his own right), and - by some strange twist of fate - they are able to speak to each other. Sweet story, right? Who wouldn't want to be able to "have" their own pegasus, let alone be able to talk to one?! ("Have" is used very loosely - it's a centuries-old Alliance that binds royal humans with royal pegasi, but they're more ceremonial companions than pets or possessions).
As I began to read, I was swiftly caught up in this story on an emotional level. Actually, it took me longer than it 'should' have to read, because I would have to put it down rather than just keep reading. My heart got involved. My mind got involved. I actually dreamt I had my own pegasus one night. I loved watching the way everything unfolded. Four years' time is covered in the text, and yet there's so much more. It's a fantastic world - literally - populated by strange creatures and unbelievable things. It's a story that twists and turns and will leave you breathless. I listed Sylvi and Ebon in my "Favorite Book Couple(s) of the Year" post, because even though it's not a "romantic" relationship, it's a very very real - and powerful - relationship. It's engrossing, fascinating, and involving. At the end, I cried my eyes out. Actually, I started crying before the very end - as soon as I realized the story was going to take one more crazy twist. And normally, I really don't like books that make me cry, but the fact this one was able to make me cry just speaks of its power. I was a little devastated when Pegasus ended - yearning to know what happens next, what is going on. Good news however! There is a sequel coming in 2012, and though it's a (painfully) long wait, I have every belief that Robin McKinley will satisfy my hopes.
Book provided by my local library (however a copy is soon to-be-added to my personal library!)
A Word's Worth originally started as more a holding-place for memorable quotes (books, movies, conversations), with random musings about books or movies. Evolving into a truer book blog, it now features reviews and reading-related posts. Also featured are writings that the blogger finds relevant, creative, interesting, or simply decides to post.
2010 reviews,
Fairy Tales; Legends; Myths,
Wide-Awake Princess
The Wide-Awake Princess
E.D. Baker
Bloomsbury, 2010
I first met Baker's creative take on traditional fairy tales via The Frog Princess books (which I loved, until my library stopped buying the new volumes - now I've got to try to get my hands on them all and start over. But I digress.) When I saw this on my library's shelf, I knew I had to give it a go. The cover looks a little young, but the story was fun and I did not feel like I was reading a "young" book. There's a humor to the events that had me cracking up inside, and I loved making all the connections.
Basically, The Wide-Awake Princess takes the story of Sleeping Beauty and upends it - along with many other fairy tales. Princess Annie is immune to magic, so the witch's spell on her sister - the "sleeping beauty" - has no effect on her. Rather than hang around and wait 100 years, Annie decides to see what she can do to wake her sister up, beginning with escaping the instantly-rose-covered castle and setting out to round up every available Prince to be found. All kinds of fairy tale characters are introduced on the scene, mingling and interacting with success - and hilarity. I love fairy tales, so I especially enjoyed seeing so many mixed like this. It was fun, it was a little different. It made me smile. Of course, everything turns out right in the end (it is a fairy tale after all!), but there are some surprises thrown in the mix. Not only will it appeal to the fairy tale lover, but those who just like a fun story will appreciate too.
Book provided by my local library.
E.D. Baker
Bloomsbury, 2010
I first met Baker's creative take on traditional fairy tales via The Frog Princess books (which I loved, until my library stopped buying the new volumes - now I've got to try to get my hands on them all and start over. But I digress.) When I saw this on my library's shelf, I knew I had to give it a go. The cover looks a little young, but the story was fun and I did not feel like I was reading a "young" book. There's a humor to the events that had me cracking up inside, and I loved making all the connections.
Basically, The Wide-Awake Princess takes the story of Sleeping Beauty and upends it - along with many other fairy tales. Princess Annie is immune to magic, so the witch's spell on her sister - the "sleeping beauty" - has no effect on her. Rather than hang around and wait 100 years, Annie decides to see what she can do to wake her sister up, beginning with escaping the instantly-rose-covered castle and setting out to round up every available Prince to be found. All kinds of fairy tale characters are introduced on the scene, mingling and interacting with success - and hilarity. I love fairy tales, so I especially enjoyed seeing so many mixed like this. It was fun, it was a little different. It made me smile. Of course, everything turns out right in the end (it is a fairy tale after all!), but there are some surprises thrown in the mix. Not only will it appeal to the fairy tale lover, but those who just like a fun story will appreciate too.
Book provided by my local library.
April Lindner
Poppy, 2010
I first read Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre in early high school - I want to say it was actually freshman year. I was shelving books at the library I volunteered at, saw it, and decided to read it. I fell in love, revisiting it my junior year as the topic of my first 'real' (college-level) research paper. There is something about Jane's story that tugs at my heart and just calls to me. So when I realized there was a contemporary retelling of Jane Eyre coming out, I got just a little excited.
Lindner did a good job of transferring the story into something modern and current. Jane's a college student who must take time off to work for tuition money. She ends up nannying for Nico Rathburn - the bad-boy rocker who's trying to resurrect his career (and life). Anyone familiar with the original story can quickly see where Jane will go - but that doesn't make it less intriguing. It was interesting to see the way Lindner 'converted' aspects of Bronte's original, making both characters and situations/context relevant and relatable for readers. If some moments feel a little fantastic or too-good-to-be-true, well, that's kind of what the whole story is: the rocky romance between two people worlds removed in terms of social standing and experience. It's not quite a fairy tale, but it's a story that makes people want to believe in the power of love to transcend boundaries. Nico's far from perfect, as is his model Mr. Rochester, but the imperfections and flaws in him keep the story from being too perfect. I feel like Lindner successfully revisited a classic - and now find myself wanting to revisit and reread Jane Eyre once more.
Book provided by my local library.
April Lindner
Poppy, 2010
I first read Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre in early high school - I want to say it was actually freshman year. I was shelving books at the library I volunteered at, saw it, and decided to read it. I fell in love, revisiting it my junior year as the topic of my first 'real' (college-level) research paper. There is something about Jane's story that tugs at my heart and just calls to me. So when I realized there was a contemporary retelling of Jane Eyre coming out, I got just a little excited.
Lindner did a good job of transferring the story into something modern and current. Jane's a college student who must take time off to work for tuition money. She ends up nannying for Nico Rathburn - the bad-boy rocker who's trying to resurrect his career (and life). Anyone familiar with the original story can quickly see where Jane will go - but that doesn't make it less intriguing. It was interesting to see the way Lindner 'converted' aspects of Bronte's original, making both characters and situations/context relevant and relatable for readers. If some moments feel a little fantastic or too-good-to-be-true, well, that's kind of what the whole story is: the rocky romance between two people worlds removed in terms of social standing and experience. It's not quite a fairy tale, but it's a story that makes people want to believe in the power of love to transcend boundaries. Nico's far from perfect, as is his model Mr. Rochester, but the imperfections and flaws in him keep the story from being too perfect. I feel like Lindner successfully revisited a classic - and now find myself wanting to revisit and reread Jane Eyre once more.
Book provided by my local library.
2010 reviews,
[Everything Austen II] Persuasion (DVD)
Everything Austen II is a challenge hosted by Stephanie over at Stephanie's Written Word.
The goal: To read 6 Austen-themed works between July 1, 2010 and January 1, 2011.
The progress so far:
1: Persuasion (Jane Austen)
2: Emma (Jane Austen)
3: Mr. Knightley's Diary (Amanda Grange)
4: The Darcys Give a Ball (Elizabeth Newark)
5: I Was Jane Austen's Best Friend (Cora Harrison)
6: Persuasion (DVD)
This post will conclude the Everything Austen II challenge! Huzzah! I have thoroughly enjoyed this first-ever-challenge experience, and will continue to read my beloved Austen and the whole world of Austen-related books, even though the challenge has been completed. There is something about Austen that transcends time and experience, making her writing live ...
And so, the final review ...
BBC, 1995
Starring: Amanda Root & Cieran Hinds
I've been watching Jane Austen DVDs throughout this challenge, but did not want to include them as reviewed components, because I've seen them all several times. Persuasion, however is new to me - I read it for the first time over the summer, and I've just not watched a movie version. I must admit, I liked the movie better than the novel, but I still found myself incredibly annoyed. I think, for whatever reason, Anne Elliot and I do simply do not 'geehaw'. (And yet, I liked the contemporary retellings of Persuasion I have read. Strange...)
So far as the movie goes - it's a beautiful BBC production, and I felt it to be a good cinematic adaptation. I confess to finding it amusing that Mary Elliot (er, Musgrove) was played by the same actress who brought Miss Bates to life in Emma the next year. Seeing the characters interact was nicer for me than reading about them, and I did warm a bit to Anne herself as she began to 'evolve' and come in to her own. The subtle changes to her costume was a very nice touch to demonstrate this process. I *loved* Captain Wentworth as portrayed by Cieran Hinds. Loved him. He was just as he ought to have been - a bit gruff, but also sensitive; a weatherworn sailor, but also strikingly handsome. Yes, Capt. Wentworth is definitely a worth Austen hero.
DVD provided by my local library.
The goal: To read 6 Austen-themed works between July 1, 2010 and January 1, 2011.
The progress so far:
1: Persuasion (Jane Austen)
2: Emma (Jane Austen)
3: Mr. Knightley's Diary (Amanda Grange)
4: The Darcys Give a Ball (Elizabeth Newark)
5: I Was Jane Austen's Best Friend (Cora Harrison)
6: Persuasion (DVD)
This post will conclude the Everything Austen II challenge! Huzzah! I have thoroughly enjoyed this first-ever-challenge experience, and will continue to read my beloved Austen and the whole world of Austen-related books, even though the challenge has been completed. There is something about Austen that transcends time and experience, making her writing live ...
And so, the final review ...
BBC, 1995
Starring: Amanda Root & Cieran Hinds
I've been watching Jane Austen DVDs throughout this challenge, but did not want to include them as reviewed components, because I've seen them all several times. Persuasion, however is new to me - I read it for the first time over the summer, and I've just not watched a movie version. I must admit, I liked the movie better than the novel, but I still found myself incredibly annoyed. I think, for whatever reason, Anne Elliot and I do simply do not 'geehaw'. (And yet, I liked the contemporary retellings of Persuasion I have read. Strange...)
So far as the movie goes - it's a beautiful BBC production, and I felt it to be a good cinematic adaptation. I confess to finding it amusing that Mary Elliot (er, Musgrove) was played by the same actress who brought Miss Bates to life in Emma the next year. Seeing the characters interact was nicer for me than reading about them, and I did warm a bit to Anne herself as she began to 'evolve' and come in to her own. The subtle changes to her costume was a very nice touch to demonstrate this process. I *loved* Captain Wentworth as portrayed by Cieran Hinds. Loved him. He was just as he ought to have been - a bit gruff, but also sensitive; a weatherworn sailor, but also strikingly handsome. Yes, Capt. Wentworth is definitely a worth Austen hero.
DVD provided by my local library.
2010 reviews,
Everything Austen II,
First Dog Fala
First Dog Fala
Elizabeth Van Steenwyk
Illustrated by Michael G. Montgomery
Peachtree Publishers, 2008
As soon as this came in the mail, I sat down and flipped through it, oohing and aahing over the illustrations. Montgomery definitely spends time around dogs, because I felt like Fala was just about to jump off the page and into my lap! (I'm totally smitten: I want a Scottie!) Since then, I've actually read the book several times - and the whole book is just as delightful as the illustrations.
It's been a little while since I read children's picture books *seriously* (translate: graduate class on children's lit as opposed to picking one up because I find it appealing), and I was at first surprised by the amount of text on the page. Once I started reading and thinking about it though, I realized it wasn't as 'extreme' as my first glance thought. (I was probably subconsciously wishing for less text and more Fala illustrations - he's that adorable). There's a lot of information shared, yes, but it's presented in a way that both "little" and "big" kids will be able to sit down and enjoy. The story is about Fala, and his life as a White House pet, but it also is a gentle introduction to American History. And there's something about Scottie dogs that just feels "Christmassy" to me, making it a fitting book for this season!
Book provided by publisher for review.
Elizabeth Van Steenwyk
Illustrated by Michael G. Montgomery
Peachtree Publishers, 2008
As soon as this came in the mail, I sat down and flipped through it, oohing and aahing over the illustrations. Montgomery definitely spends time around dogs, because I felt like Fala was just about to jump off the page and into my lap! (I'm totally smitten: I want a Scottie!) Since then, I've actually read the book several times - and the whole book is just as delightful as the illustrations.
It's been a little while since I read children's picture books *seriously* (translate: graduate class on children's lit as opposed to picking one up because I find it appealing), and I was at first surprised by the amount of text on the page. Once I started reading and thinking about it though, I realized it wasn't as 'extreme' as my first glance thought. (I was probably subconsciously wishing for less text and more Fala illustrations - he's that adorable). There's a lot of information shared, yes, but it's presented in a way that both "little" and "big" kids will be able to sit down and enjoy. The story is about Fala, and his life as a White House pet, but it also is a gentle introduction to American History. And there's something about Scottie dogs that just feels "Christmassy" to me, making it a fitting book for this season!
Book provided by publisher for review.
2010 reviews,
Children's Lit,
picture books,
Favorite Book Couple(s) of the Year
I found this totally awesome contest from a tweet, and after reading through the blogposts related to the Christmas Countdown? Totally. Awesome. And I started thinking about the couples in the books I've read this year ... Turns out, there have been several whose stories I adored. Sometimes they started out rocky (or worse!), sometimes you could tell there was an intense, very-real connection between them, and sometimes ... it was just one of those things that catches your heart. And so, without further ado, my favorite book couples of the year (listed in order of the books read, not in a hiearchical sense):
1: Laura Ingalls & AlmanzoWilder
So these are 'old' books, but I reread them for the first time in ten years back in January, and realized so much about myself in the rereading. I have a better understanding of who I am now, how I came to be the girl I am. And I fell head-over-heels in love with Almanzo 'Manly' Wilder. Looking back, theirs was the first romance I ever read, at the sweetly innocent age of 5 and 6. The sweet simplicity of their growing romance made a lasting impact on me, which I didn't see until rereading. But seriously, what girl wouldn't want the boy who gentles wild horses with a whisper and has dark, bluest-blue eyes? Sa-woon.
2: Cassie & Bear
I am an absolute sucker for a polar bear. Now that we have that out in the open, I'm also mesmerized by the Norse fairy tale/legend "East of the Sun, West of the Moon" and try to read every variation of it I can get my hands on. Sarah Beth Durst's Ice is an amazing contemporary retelling that had me holding my breath. For a chapter or two, I was convinced it was all going to fall apart - even though I *know* how the story has to end. It's a beautiful story, friends becoming lovers ... a bit of Beauty & the Beast feel, but with a twist. I liked Cassie, I liked how stubborn she was, and how her stubbornness is what re-won her Bear. (Plus, how amazingly gorgeous is this cover?!)
3: Malva & Orpheus
This is one of those romances you see coming, but also don't. Malva is the runaway Princetta, and Orpheus is the young sea captain searching to bring her home to an arranged marriage. But he doesn't. Things change, people change. There's an insane adventure, with lots of trials and tests and moments of revelation. But Malva and Orpheus find each other through it all, and theirs is an Ultimate Love. Definitely unexpected, The Princetta (also listed as The Princess and the Captain) is one of those books you have to read for yourself.
4: Ellen & Marek
The romance between Ellen and the mysterious Marek is complicated but beautiful, as it should be - WWII looming on the horizon, and then fully ravages Europe. There's mystery and confusion, heartbreak and heartachingly-beautiful twists. A Song for Summer was definitely a surprise for me, in that I became deeply attached and connected to the characters. It's a romance that reflects humanity, with all its flaws and beauties.
5: Selene & Juba
I hesitated including this couple in my list, because I hate to give anything up when I talk about Michelle Moran's amazing Cleopatra's Daughter. But I can't leave them off, because theirs is a story that stuck with me for a while ... I won't say a lot, because I really do believe everyone should read this for themselves - it's THAT good, people! - but I loved watching this one.
6: Jane & Nico
I have loved Jane Eyre since I first read it in high school. And April Linder's new retelling Jane is just as engrossing: a quiet student working as a nanny + a badboy rockstar with a mystery ... Oh yeah, it's good. It's real good. Their romance obviously follows the pattern of Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester's from the original, but that makes it no less powerful or breathtaking. If anything, having it so very contemporary makes it real-er, more identifiable. Definitely a memorable couple.
7: Slyvi & Ebon
Okay, so this one isn't really a romantic couple, but it's a powerful, powerful bonded relationship. (Literally). This one has been fascinating me, it's a girl and her pegasus. And they are closer than anyone ever thought they would be - or should be. In a sense, it's a forbidden relationship. Yet, it's so very, very right. I love Robin McKinley's ability to spin a story, and Pegasus is an amazing, engrossing, surprising read, with Slyvi and Ebon right at the very heart of it all. Personally, I'd love to have my own pegasus ...
I still have a few weeks left in 2010, and a tantalizing pile of books to read, so chances are good I may discover another amazing couple. But I think this list is a pretty good start.
1: Laura Ingalls & AlmanzoWilder
So these are 'old' books, but I reread them for the first time in ten years back in January, and realized so much about myself in the rereading. I have a better understanding of who I am now, how I came to be the girl I am. And I fell head-over-heels in love with Almanzo 'Manly' Wilder. Looking back, theirs was the first romance I ever read, at the sweetly innocent age of 5 and 6. The sweet simplicity of their growing romance made a lasting impact on me, which I didn't see until rereading. But seriously, what girl wouldn't want the boy who gentles wild horses with a whisper and has dark, bluest-blue eyes? Sa-woon.
2: Cassie & Bear
I am an absolute sucker for a polar bear. Now that we have that out in the open, I'm also mesmerized by the Norse fairy tale/legend "East of the Sun, West of the Moon" and try to read every variation of it I can get my hands on. Sarah Beth Durst's Ice is an amazing contemporary retelling that had me holding my breath. For a chapter or two, I was convinced it was all going to fall apart - even though I *know* how the story has to end. It's a beautiful story, friends becoming lovers ... a bit of Beauty & the Beast feel, but with a twist. I liked Cassie, I liked how stubborn she was, and how her stubbornness is what re-won her Bear. (Plus, how amazingly gorgeous is this cover?!)
3: Malva & Orpheus
This is one of those romances you see coming, but also don't. Malva is the runaway Princetta, and Orpheus is the young sea captain searching to bring her home to an arranged marriage. But he doesn't. Things change, people change. There's an insane adventure, with lots of trials and tests and moments of revelation. But Malva and Orpheus find each other through it all, and theirs is an Ultimate Love. Definitely unexpected, The Princetta (also listed as The Princess and the Captain) is one of those books you have to read for yourself.
4: Ellen & Marek
The romance between Ellen and the mysterious Marek is complicated but beautiful, as it should be - WWII looming on the horizon, and then fully ravages Europe. There's mystery and confusion, heartbreak and heartachingly-beautiful twists. A Song for Summer was definitely a surprise for me, in that I became deeply attached and connected to the characters. It's a romance that reflects humanity, with all its flaws and beauties.
5: Selene & Juba
I hesitated including this couple in my list, because I hate to give anything up when I talk about Michelle Moran's amazing Cleopatra's Daughter. But I can't leave them off, because theirs is a story that stuck with me for a while ... I won't say a lot, because I really do believe everyone should read this for themselves - it's THAT good, people! - but I loved watching this one.
6: Jane & Nico
I have loved Jane Eyre since I first read it in high school. And April Linder's new retelling Jane is just as engrossing: a quiet student working as a nanny + a badboy rockstar with a mystery ... Oh yeah, it's good. It's real good. Their romance obviously follows the pattern of Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester's from the original, but that makes it no less powerful or breathtaking. If anything, having it so very contemporary makes it real-er, more identifiable. Definitely a memorable couple.
7: Slyvi & Ebon
Okay, so this one isn't really a romantic couple, but it's a powerful, powerful bonded relationship. (Literally). This one has been fascinating me, it's a girl and her pegasus. And they are closer than anyone ever thought they would be - or should be. In a sense, it's a forbidden relationship. Yet, it's so very, very right. I love Robin McKinley's ability to spin a story, and Pegasus is an amazing, engrossing, surprising read, with Slyvi and Ebon right at the very heart of it all. Personally, I'd love to have my own pegasus ...
I still have a few weeks left in 2010, and a tantalizing pile of books to read, so chances are good I may discover another amazing couple. But I think this list is a pretty good start.
[Everything Austen II] I Was Jane Austen's Best Friend
Everything Austen II is a challenge hosted by Stephanie over at Stephanie's Written Word.
The goal: To read 6 Austen-themed works between July 1, 2010 and January 1, 2011.
The progress so far:
1: Persuasion (Jane Austen)
2: Emma (Jane Austen)
3: Mr. Knightley's Diary (Amanda Grange)
4: The Darcys Give a Ball (Elizabeth Newark)
5: I Was Jane Austen's Best Friend (Cora Harrison)
I Was Jane Austen's Best Friend
Cora Harrison
Delacorte Books, 2010
I first learned about this back in the spring, when it was still months and months from releasing in the US. I was so excited about it though, I made plans to buy the UK edition since it was already out (plus, that cover is so incredibly cute! LOVE it!). Those plans never materialized, but my library bought a copy and I managed to snag it first. (Love-love-love when that happens).
The goal: To read 6 Austen-themed works between July 1, 2010 and January 1, 2011.
The progress so far:
1: Persuasion (Jane Austen)
2: Emma (Jane Austen)
3: Mr. Knightley's Diary (Amanda Grange)
4: The Darcys Give a Ball (Elizabeth Newark)
5: I Was Jane Austen's Best Friend (Cora Harrison)
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United States cover |
Cora Harrison
Delacorte Books, 2010
I first learned about this back in the spring, when it was still months and months from releasing in the US. I was so excited about it though, I made plans to buy the UK edition since it was already out (plus, that cover is so incredibly cute! LOVE it!). Those plans never materialized, but my library bought a copy and I managed to snag it first. (Love-love-love when that happens).
![]() |
UK cover |
Going into the reading, I really wasn't sure what I'd get - the basic premise is that this is the diary of Jane Austen's cousin/best friend Jenny Cooper, and tells the story of how Jane helped Jenny with matters of the heart. I was expecting a light, fun read - and got that, but also got more. Harrison crafted a lovely story that offered a glimpse at what it must have been like to grow up with Jane Austen. In the adventures (and misadventures) Jenny and Jane share, you can see the beginnings of the stories and characters that would go on to become Jane's contribution to the literary world. Jenny's take on the Austen family is enough of an 'outsider' to be able to see things Jane cannot, but she's still very much a part of that close circle. It is in this circle that she becomes better acquainted with herself, and discovers what it means to fall in love.
I enjoyed the book, it was cute and fun, but also had a lot of interesting little details. Harrison, in her author's note, states that she drew heavily from surviving letters of Mrs. Austen and Jenny Cooper (who was actually also called "Jane"). I was amused by comparing what was going on in the book, and the characters, with what occured in Becoming Jane -- some interesting overlap.
Book provided by my local library.
2010 reviews,
Everything Austen II,
Historical Fiction,
[Everything Austen II] The Darcys Give a Ball
Everything Austen II is a challenge hosted by Stephanie over at Stephanie's Written Word.
The goal: To read 6 Austen-themed works between July 1, 2010 and January 1, 2011.
The progress so far:
1: Persuasion (Jane Austen)
2: Emma (Jane Austen)
3: Mr. Knightley's Diary (Amanda Grange)
4: The Darcys Give a Ball (Elizabeth Newark)
The Darcys Give a Ball
Elizabeth Newark
Sourcebooks, 2008
I saw this on the shelf when I was wandering the stacks one day, and knew I *had* to read it. So very glad I did! I loved it. Seriously loved it. A quick, easy read, I was hooked from the beginning. (Truthfully, hooked by the title). Imagine a world, 20ish years after Pride & Prejudice ends, where Lizzie and Darcy and Jane and Bingley have children. Oh, and don't forget Charlotte and Mr Collins and their children. Now, take a deep breath and imagine the children of all the other Austen couplings ... Yes, all of them. Emma and Knightley; Elinor and Edward; Marianne and Col. Brandon; Anne and Capt. Wentworth ... and, of course, the rest of 'em too. They all have children. And all the parents and children know each other. And they all come together at one ball - held at Pemberley and hosted by the Darcys. What happens is sheer delight. I absolutely loved seeing all the characters come together and coexist and interact across the novel borders. I loved getting a peek at what Lizzie and Jane felt and thought about the other great Austen figures. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the children of the matches - there is much to be said for having good parents, let me tell you. And the ending? Lovely. As lovely as a dance on a moonlit night. Now ... I just need to get my hands on Newark's mouse-version of Pride & Prejudice -- 'twas mentioned in the 'About the Author', and I have begun a quest to find it!
Book provided by my local library.
The goal: To read 6 Austen-themed works between July 1, 2010 and January 1, 2011.
The progress so far:
1: Persuasion (Jane Austen)
2: Emma (Jane Austen)
3: Mr. Knightley's Diary (Amanda Grange)
4: The Darcys Give a Ball (Elizabeth Newark)
The Darcys Give a Ball
Elizabeth Newark
Sourcebooks, 2008
I saw this on the shelf when I was wandering the stacks one day, and knew I *had* to read it. So very glad I did! I loved it. Seriously loved it. A quick, easy read, I was hooked from the beginning. (Truthfully, hooked by the title). Imagine a world, 20ish years after Pride & Prejudice ends, where Lizzie and Darcy and Jane and Bingley have children. Oh, and don't forget Charlotte and Mr Collins and their children. Now, take a deep breath and imagine the children of all the other Austen couplings ... Yes, all of them. Emma and Knightley; Elinor and Edward; Marianne and Col. Brandon; Anne and Capt. Wentworth ... and, of course, the rest of 'em too. They all have children. And all the parents and children know each other. And they all come together at one ball - held at Pemberley and hosted by the Darcys. What happens is sheer delight. I absolutely loved seeing all the characters come together and coexist and interact across the novel borders. I loved getting a peek at what Lizzie and Jane felt and thought about the other great Austen figures. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the children of the matches - there is much to be said for having good parents, let me tell you. And the ending? Lovely. As lovely as a dance on a moonlit night. Now ... I just need to get my hands on Newark's mouse-version of Pride & Prejudice -- 'twas mentioned in the 'About the Author', and I have begun a quest to find it!
Book provided by my local library.
2010 reviews,
Everything Austen II,
Historical Fiction,
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